Home Construction

Hartland Southwest products are widely used throughout single-family, multi-family and custom home construction. Our manufacturers provide LED lighting for downlight, strip light and wrap light applications. Downlights are available from 800 lumens to 10,000 lumens so that designs with high ceilings can utilize downlight technology.

Our manufacturers also provide in-wall boxes, ceiling boxes and floor boxes. In many cases, our products are made from FRP fiberglass and offer fire ratings that exceed other competitors. This allows them to be used in-wall without putty pads.

Are these items of interest to you?


Do you get flexibility (CCT color, trim selection, sizes, etc.) in your LED downlight selection?


Do you have unusual applications for downlights?


Do you need wall boxes that adjust easily for non-standard wall thicknesses?


Do you need a better solution than putty pads for common wall applications?


Do you need special downlighting for high-end residential or commercial space?
Home Construction